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The Gabriel Tenorio String Workshop

The Gabriel Tenorio String Workshop

Sale price $22.00
Regular price $30.00

The Gabriel Tenorio String Workshop Electric Guitar Jazzmaster 11-50 Trem Twist Nickel Steel

Regular price $30.00

The Gabriel Tenorio String Workshop Electric Guitar Nickel Steel

Sale price $25.00
Regular price $36.00

The Gabriel Tenorio String Workshop Acoustic Phosphor Bronze 12-52.5

Voltage MI distribution are proud to be exclusively distributing The Gabriel Tenorio String workshop hand wound strings in Australia.


The Gabriel Tenorio String Company is dedicated to the evolution and further dissemination of the string making tradition established by Francisco Gonzalez, founder of Guadalupe Custom Strings.

As a partner in Guadalupe Custom Strings, I insisted on only making round core strings--for all its lines. With remarkable results, it was only natural to revisit old acoustic formulae such as the PB 13s, known as Phosphor*Rounds and the Gypsy Jazz ManoucheTone Strings to learn from what made them so distinctive in tone and quality.  I went on to create an entire brand new line of electric guitar strings along with a slew of other steel stringed instruments. I didn't try to make something new, just something good.

But it wasn't enough to just be good enough, I wanted to make the best fitting string possible, the way Francisco had many years a go when he made my first set of custom Requinto Romantico strings--in front of my very own eyes--based on what i was doing as a guitarist and what i wanted to get from my experience as a musician. That experience has left a long lasting mark.

It took years of research and testing of set after set.  Then reconceptualizing a custom shop type of business into something I could share with the professional musician, at large. Over the last year at GCS, I was able to develop this model while developing my lines of products.

I am proud to have had the positive response of 2014 and 2015.  2016 marks the birth of this new company, theGTS,co

theGTSco uses only the finest first-drawn wire and are 100% made by hand in the USA.

The Gabriel Tenorio String Company will continue to work alongside The Guadalupe Custom Strings team at the CustomLab location in East Los Angeles. We share a tradition, a part of a community of artists and artisans, and we share the joy of working collaboratively.


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